
Prime Day Amazon 2023: Dates, Details and How to Prepare

amazon prime day 2023 dates details and how to prepare

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Amazon Prime Day 2023 is finally upon us! This annual event Online shopping is eagerly awaited by all Prime customers, with the promise of offering incredible deals on products from countless brands and companies. In particular, an important focus is expected on small and medium-sized Italian businesses. This year, the Prime Day will take place on July 11th and 12th.

Big Savings on Amazon Prime Day 2023

Prime Day deals range from fashion products, electronics, games, household items and so on. The shopping period will last 48 hours, from 00:00 on Tuesday 11 July until 23:59 on Wednesday 12 July. For Prime customers, this is the opportunity to make quality purchases at discounted prices.

Prepare as best as possible for Prime Day

To make the most of these offers, it is essential to prepare. You can search for offers for Prime customers and create one wishlist for Prime Day. We remind you that by subscribing to Prime, you can obtain various advantages such as fast shipping and at no additional cost, access to films, TV series, music and games, and much more.

Prime Day Experiences: a New Way of Shopping

An interesting novelty this year is the presentation of “Prime Day Experiences”. This initiative allows Prime customers to purchase unique products, associated with exclusive experiences such as events with musical artists or the possibility of discovering important Italian companies. Prime Day Experiences are available at amazon.it/esperienzeprimeday.

Small Businesses in the Center of Attention

Amazon focuses heavily on supporting small and medium-sized businesses. Thanks to the badge “Small Company”, customers can easily discover and purchase their products on amazon.it/pmi.

Amazon Prime Day: Offers Start Early

We remind you that for Prime customers the offers do not only start on Prime Day, but are brought forward. Don't waste time, and start discovering the offers on now amazon.it/primeday!

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