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Main Features Websites for Hotels Florence

Manual Reservations
Use the Calendar page to quickly book a room for a client. Being able to manually record reservations is critical. Assign a client to the reservation and set a personalized rate for the stay with just a couple of clicks.
Availability check
Keep track of past, present, and future reservations from the Availability Overview page. Drag and drop reservations from one room to another to best assign your guests. With the room numbering feature, you can see exactly which rooms your guests will be staying in and eventually move them to another unit.

Room Type
Set up your rooms as you would with an OTA. Define the minimum and maximum number of adults, children and total guests for each room type. Configure the number of units available, and optionally assign a number or name to each subunit using the Distinctive features. This way you will be able to assign reservations to specific units to know exactly which room your guests will be staying in.

Price management
If you use rates by nights of stay (LOS), rates by occupancy, or daily rates, you will be able to set any pricing rules. You will be able to set one or more rate plans to define different cancellation policies and booking terms.

Payment Gateway
Let customers pay for their reservations online by credit card and collect payment through your preferred payment gateway. More than 60 different payment gateways are available for various banks around the world. The framework can be extended to support any type of banking integration. By using a payment gateway to collect a deposit or the entire reservation amount, the system will immediately and automatically confirm the reservation, reducing availability for the rooms and dates booked.

Email and SMS
With Cron Jobs Scheduling, you can automate certain functions such as sending an e-mail reminder to all customers who will check in the next day. You can automate just about anything!
Inviting your customers to leave a review for your facility after their stay only requires a Cron Job to plan.
You can schedule the Cron process to automatically generate an invoice before check-in or after check-out. This will save you a lot of time!
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