
GDPR Checklist

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GDPR checklist, how to adapt your website to the EU privacy regulation

To conform one's website to the general privacy regulation, promoted by the European Union, here is a GDPR Checklist.

The General Data Protection Regulation, advocated by theEU, is forcing all web-based businesses to comply with this directive. A due act, necessary to ensure greater protection of confidential data. In this article you can find some suggestions for bringing your website in line with the European provisions, which will be implemented as of May 25, 2018.

Gdpr checklist, the general data protection regulation

The relevant bodies, given the lack of confidentiality in a digital world, have begun to understand the complexity of the situation. A series of procedures have been initiated to counter the problem of breach of confidential information. These include the GDPR, General Data Protection Regulation, the general data protection regulation, which will see its execution on May 25, 2018, on all member nations of the European Union. This legislation aims to More vigorously protect the private data of EU citizens.

This is a meticulous and detailed regulation that deals with the uncontrolled leakage of private information in EU countries. Its effectiveness strongly affects all activities operating on the Internet. In light of these changes, it becomes essential to align your website to this new directive. This also applies to companies located outside continental borders that cater to EU citizens. There are also cases that are exceptions, which we will discuss later.

All companies doing business on the network must comply with this regulation if they do not want to incur penalties. Therefore, it is desirable to initiate a Checlist GDPR, i.e., a detailed audit to meet European standards.

How to comply with privacy regulations: a GDPR Checklist for your website

The Gdpr is a big step forward, benefiting all EU citizens. This will affect the activities of companies operating on the network. The reform assumes that all state and private entities, apartments to the European Union, must align with this directive. It acquires a fundamental importance a GDPR Checklist, ossi a thorough check on the receipt and processing of user generalities. Following are some suggestions for conducting a detailed audit.

Personal data, the main categories

To understand in detail how to act, it is appropriate to look at what categories of personal info are extracted from users interacting with a given website. They can be distinguished into standard And exclusive. The former are the classic generalities of an individual: first name, last name, age, profile photo, email, ip address, etc. The others, on the other hand, are specific, properly characteristic of the person: orientamento sessuale, politico, religioso, gusti personali, stato di health, etc. These are the factors on which companies can focus their marketing and direct their business. Distinctive elements, which can appeal to third parties in the marketing industry.

Agreements with non-EU companies

Before reaching a final agreement with a company, or entity, based outside the European community, it is necessary to check the parameters related to GDRP. And check especially whether there is a sufficient degree of respect for privacy. There are the necessary exceptions, largely due to well-defined agreements:

  • States United, with the convention Privacy Privacy Shield. This is a regulation related to the movement of personal data between the EU and the U.S., with greater protection for EU citizens;
  • United Kingdom, as Brexit, the process of exclusion from the EU, has not yet been completed (referring to the first half of 2018).
  • States belonging to the European Economic Area, such as Iceland, Norway, etc.


Another due clarification is that regarding the cookies, that is, files prepared for the identification of the user visiting the website. With the GDRP, they are classified as personal information, and therefore conform to this legislation. They also are governed by theePrivacy Regulation.

The category of cookies considered as such are those of profiling. That is, those used to receive user data in order to categorize them according to certain parameters: interests, tastes, market preferences and so on.

Privacy Policy Update

In order to comply with the GDPR, certain factors must be made usable:

  • which third-party guarantors, and hosting, benefit from private information by means of its website;
  • Name of the company receiving, as a third party, the user's details;
  • How long confidential information is surrendered;
  • Peculiarities of the agreement between the parties;
  • legal foundations of the same

Items collected indirectly from its website

If third parties are retrieving personal data, here is how to act:

  • specify that their site does not receive user information, recorded in the user traffic history on the system;
  • designate their own hosting Web as an external buyer of data;
  • Demonstrate the security standards employed by the host in the event of a system breach

Consent of its users

In order to get permission from visitors to your website, you must ensure proper justification. Specifying how the acquired private information will be used. This applies depending on the web form used. For example, the one related to the newsletter informativa, nella quale i dati vengono estrapolati per inviare email pubblicitarie e fidelizzare con i consumers.

The basis of the GDPR regulation is to safeguard the privacy of EU citizens. A regulation that protects private data within EU countries, to which all businesses must comply.

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