
How Satispay works: the mobile payment app

how Satispay works, how to pay with satispay, pay online with Satispay, Satispay promo code, Satispay participating stores

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How Satispay works, the revolutionary application for making electronic payments with your smartphone.

The cultural and technological advancement that has marked the last few decades has been the bearer of great innovations concerning any sphere of daily life. Indeed, we have witnessed innovations whose scope has undoubtedly simplified a long series of actions and habits. Among the many we can mention those related to the payments, until recently only possible through the use of coins, banknotes or credit/prepaid cards.

However, it is the advent of the electronic payments ad aver migliorato enormemente le modalità di acquisto e vendita da parte di consumers ed esercenti. Riguardo i sistemi impiegati in tal senso, con numerosi vantaggi in termini economici e soprattutto di semplicità nell’utilizzo, merita una dovuta citazione Satispay.

How Satispay works

Electronic payments are very useful for users who wish to carry as little as possible large sums of cash. There are currently several services available, but among the many there is one 100 % Italian service that allows you to Pay without entering their card credentials whenever you need to make a purchase online. We are talking about Satispay, a local reality that saw the light in 2015 thanks to the genius idea of three guys from Piedmont, who understood the potential of such a product to benefit consumers and merchants.

But how Satispay works? It is a downloadable application for Android and iOS devices used for making payments via cell phone, without having to fulfill cash or credit cards. The service is characterized by entering the iban code of the card you wish to link along with the phone number. In this way, a range of activities can be carried out:

  • Money transactions at accredited outlets;
  • Purchases within sites e-commerce
  • Payment of postal slips (at a lower fee than that disbursed at the post office), fines or taxes
  • Recharging the phone card
  • Exchange money with other platform users

Actions that happen quickly and easily, with the user not having to reach into their wallet or credit card.

How to Pay with Satispay

We have seen how Satispay works and for what purposes this innovative service is used. I payments with Satispay are in fact simple and immediate. Here is a practical example to explain its advantages even more thoroughly.

Assume we are shopping at one of the Satispay participating stores. Simply enter the login password, select the brand or store, type in the amount to be disbursed and press enter. In the checkout monitors, in fact, the clerk will observe the username and the amount of money about to be issued. This all occurs in total security. In fact, after leaving the app, it does not allow you to enter it again without a code.

how satispay works

Receiving payments with Satispay: great savings and convenience

Looking at how Satispay works, one can understand that even owners of a ecommerce find this solution very convenient, due to the presence of really low fees :

  • less than 10 euros: 0.5%
  • Above 10 euro: 20 cents plus 0.5%

What's more, by entering the Satispay promo code. 54U you will be eligible for a 5euro welcome bonus as soon as you are about to sign up. For info go to satispay.com/programs.

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