Programming Languages
Programming languages are used to develop Websites, Apps and software

HTML5 is a markup language for structuring web pages, published as a W3C Recommendation since October 2014.

CSS, in computer science, is a language used to define the formatting of HTML, XHTML and XML documents for example websites and related web pages

PHP is an interpreted scripting language originally designed for programming dynamic Web pages. The PHP interpreter is free software distributed under the PHP License.

Java is not JavaScript, this so as first information and not to confuse the two, although in this case both languages are useful for building and developing applications for various mobile operating systems.

Objective-C, some prefer to call it ObjC or Obj-C, is a reflexive object-oriented programming language developed by Brad Cox in the mid-1980s at Stepstone Corporation. Its current version is 2.0 and is the language used to develop software solutions for the Mac OS X and iOS operating systems.

Swift is an object-oriented programming language, for iOS and Mac OS X operating systems, and was unveiled by Apple during WWDC 2014. Swift is designed to coexist with the Objective-C language, typical of developments for the company's Apple-branded operating systems, simplifying code writing. Swift is designed to be more resilient to errors in code.

Spelled C# and pronounced C-sharp, this is the programming language designed and launched on the market in early 2000, currently its version is 6.0. C# is I am being realized and developed in the .NET project by Microsoft and is an object-oriented programming language.

C++, pronounced C plus plus, is an object-oriented programming language with static typing. Improvements over its predecessor C include: the introduction of the object-oriented programming paradigm, virtual functions, operator overloading, multiple inheritance, templates and exception handling.
Framework php
Frameworks help the development of applications in php, these are the ones known and used by me

Codeigniter has clear and precise documentation. Some features that make it special are the ability to install it on any linux hosting service, the absence of strict rules for writing php code, and the simplicity of its template system.

The php framework par excellence, in its version 3 has been further improved in the structure of helpers, session manager, ORM and much more.

It has many features including RESTful routing and native PHP. It has been built using a lot of Symphony components and its code has a very good ORM system and also dispome simple authentication libraries.
CMS I work with
CMS (content management system in Italian), is a software tool, installed on a web server, whose job is to facilitate content management of a website

Spelled C# and pronounced C-sharp, this is the programming language designed and launched on the market in early 2000, currently its version is 6.0. C# is I am being realized and developed in the .NET project by Microsoft and is an object-oriented programming language.

Spelled C# and pronounced C-sharp, this is the programming language designed and launched on the market in early 2000, currently its version is 6.0. C# is I am being realized and developed in the .NET project by Microsoft and is an object-oriented programming language.

C++, pronounced C plus plus, is an object-oriented programming language with static typing. Improvements over its predecessor C include: the introduction of the object-oriented programming paradigm, virtual functions, operator overloading, multiple inheritance, templates and exception handling.

Spelled C# and pronounced C-sharp, this is the programming language designed and launched on the market in early 2000, currently its version is 6.0. C# is I am being realized and developed in the .NET project by Microsoft and is an object-oriented programming language.

C++, pronounced C plus plus, is an object-oriented programming language with static typing. Improvements over its predecessor C include: the introduction of the object-oriented programming paradigm, virtual functions, operator overloading, multiple inheritance, templates and exception handling.
Programs I use
When I'm not working with code, I use software to facilitate or improve some products or services

Spelled C# and pronounced C-sharp, this is the programming language designed and launched on the market in early 2000, currently its version is 6.0. C# is I am being realized and developed in the .NET project by Microsoft and is an object-oriented programming language.

C++, pronounced C plus plus, is an object-oriented programming language with static typing. Improvements over its predecessor C include: the introduction of the object-oriented programming paradigm, virtual functions, operator overloading, multiple inheritance, templates and exception handling.

Spelled C# and pronounced C-sharp, this is the programming language designed and launched on the market in early 2000, currently its version is 6.0. C# is I am being realized and developed in the .NET project by Microsoft and is an object-oriented programming language.

C++, pronounced C plus plus, is an object-oriented programming language with static typing. Improvements over its predecessor C include: the introduction of the object-oriented programming paradigm, virtual functions, operator overloading, multiple inheritance, templates and exception handling.

Spelled C# and pronounced C-sharp, this is the programming language designed and launched on the market in early 2000, currently its version is 6.0. C# is I am being realized and developed in the .NET project by Microsoft and is an object-oriented programming language.

Spelled C# and pronounced C-sharp, this is the programming language designed and launched on the market in early 2000, currently its version is 6.0. C# is I am being realized and developed in the .NET project by Microsoft and is an object-oriented programming language.