
Managementale+: The Complete CRM that Revolutionizes Business Management

management+ the ready-to-use management system from g tech group

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In un mondo imprenditoriale sempre più interconnesso, la gestione efficace dei processi aziendali è di cruciale importanza per raggiungere il successo. Che si tratti di gestire efficacemente i rapporti con i clienti, coordinare progetti o monitorare le risorse umane, avere un sistema di gestione integrato può fare la differenza. Questa esigenza è stata compresa e affrontata da G Tech Group attraverso lo sviluppo di Gestionale+, una soluzione CRM all-in-one che incorpora tutte queste funzionalità in un unico, potente strumento.

The importance of a good CRM

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is an essential tool for any modern business. It provides a central place to manage all customer interactions, enabling businesses to provide excellent customer service and maintain long-lasting customer relationships. But Managementale+ goes beyond the standard features of a CRM.

Features of Managementale+

Management+ combines human resources management, customer relationship management (CRM) and project management into one intuitive tool. This combination of features allows companies to optimize their processes and increase productivity.

With Managementale+, project management has never been so simple. You can track all projects, assign tasks to team members, monitor progress, and keep all team members in sync. This can lead to greater efficiency and projects completed in a more timely manner.

Furthermore, the human resources management module allows you to effectively manage your staff. This can lead to greater employee engagement, better performance management and, ultimately, a more productive organization.

CRM features help you manage customer relationships more effectively. This can lead to greater customer satisfaction, better customer service and greater customer loyalty.

Finally, the support ticket management module allows you to effectively manage support tickets, offering customers a timely response and improving their experience.

Multi-Language and Data Security

One of the main features of Managementale+ is its support for different languages. Currently, Managementale+ supports Italian and English, with the possibility of activating other languages on request. This feature makes it an ideal solution for companies that operate internationally.

There data security è una priorità assoluta per Gestionale+. Tutti i dati sono criptati, e il server, situato in Europa, rispetta tutte le normative del GDPR. Inoltre, Gestionale+ esegue un backup giornaliero dell’intero server e mantiene un backup del database su un server esterno per un ulteriore livello di protezione.

Pricing Plans and Free Trial

Managementale+ offers two price plans to meet the different needs of companies. The Basic plan costs €29 per month or €299 per year, while the Business plan is €49 per month or €499 per year. Both plans can be tried for free for 30 days without using a credit card, giving businesses the opportunity to test the features of Managementale+ and see how it can improve their daily operations.

In conclusion, Managementale+ is a complete CRM solution that offers a range of features designed to improve the efficiency and productivity of companies. Whether you're looking to improve project management, human resources management or customer management, Managementale+ has everything you need. Try Managementale+ today and find out how it can transform your business.

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