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Computer Services Fonte Nuova

Virus Removal - Malware
If there are viruses or malware on your computer, you can eliminate them in a short time. In addition to deletion, I will secure your computer.

System Update
If your computer has an old version of Windows or Mac OSX I can update your operating system to the latest version available or compatible with your hardware.

Computer Formatting
A complete format of your computer can help clean up and speed up your computer. I recommend this service in combination with a hardware upgrade with the installation of a SSD

Components Update
In computers that are a few years old, a simple update of the components can extend the view of your computer by up to another 4 years: upgrade of RAM, hard disk and video card (also for Apple)

Software Optimization
Using the right programs can help you be more productive and can even improve the efficiency of your computer. Many times all it takes is cleaning and securing your computer and using new programs.

IT Consulting
I offer IT consultancy for your next IT purchases. Buying the best value for money products can help you not only save money, but also improve your daily activities.
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