What are the free alternatives to Microsoft Word?

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What are the free alternatives to Microsoft Word?

What are the free alternatives to Microsoft Word? - In the web world, word processing is very important, and at the first can we cannot but put MIcrosoft Word. It is the absolute best, both for individuals and for professional writers. Word is not free, it costs about 135 euros, while the Home (home) version costs around 80 euros.

Several free programs can also be found online that perform the same function as Word as a writing program. Let's look at alternatives to the most popular program. Certainly there are online programs and programs that you can download and install on your PC.

  1. Apache OpenOffice Writer: almost like Word
  2. LibreOffice Writer: the alternative to OpenOffice
  3. AbiWord: a lightweight program with many functions
  4. WriteMonkey: writing without distraction
  5. Google Docs: online word processing
  6. Additional online writing programs

Apache OpenOffice Writer: almost like Word

Apache OpenOffice started as OpenOffice.org and is available for Windows, Mac and Linux. OpenOffice is the most popular as an alternative to Microsoft Word being the most similar in content and quality. Besides the word processing program, it consists of a drawing program, an alternative to Excel, a database tool, a mathematical formula tool, and a presentation tool. It can open all Word files in .doc and .xml, while documents can be transformed safely to PDF. It has no e-mail and does not save documents in .doc/.docx

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LibreOffice Writer: the alternative to OpenOffice

It is a good alternative to Word and also to OpenOffice. With LibreOffice you can save documents in .docx, it has many frequent updates, which sometimes bring disadvantages in earlier versions.

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AbiWord: a lightweight program with many functions

It has its Spanish origins in that AbiWord means Abierto (Open), works with Windows and Linux. Very similar to Word, but lightweight in that it takes up only 20Mb of disk space. It includes text, tables, graphics, and even e-mail. Its files can be saved in .docx, but cannot be turned into PDF.

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WriteMonkey: writing without distraction

It is a simple program with no layout and works only for Windows. It is used fullscreen (fullscreen) as if it were the classic sheet of paper, and right-click to use the menu. It has timers to facilitate concentration and avoid distractions. Documents can be saved in .txt and exported to Word as .docx.

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Google Docs: online word processing

It is Google's text and writing tables and it works online. Very easy for those who already have a Gmail account, where they will find the Documents section and Google Docs, as well as Google Drive. Documents can be shared by multiple users, and with the smartphone app, you can work on them offline as well.

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Additional online writing programs

Adobe Online Editor



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