
Affiliate marketing: what it is and how it works

affiliate marketing, affiliate marketing how it works, affiliate marketing ita, amazon affiliations , amazon affiliations program

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Affiliate marketing what it is and what are the main ways to start earning money on the Internet with affiliations.

Starting an online business è una delle tendenze che hanno preso piede con forte decisione negli ultimi anni. Il web è considerato un ottimo sistema per dar vita ad una nuova attività imprenditoriale, basata essenzialmente sul digitale. Già di per sé qualunque brand utilizza la rete per farsi conoscere tra i consumers, attraverso una marketing strategy characterized by the creation of a website or from opening an official page on social networks. But this represents only a (albeit very substantial) part of the business as it is understood.

In fact, taking into account the immense potential that the Internet is able to offer, an increasing number of people are betting strongly on this direction, namely that of earning onlne. Among the best solutions to achieve an excellent result in terms of revenue is affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing how it works

Affiliate marketing what is it? To understand what it consists of we can take as a reference the figure of a representative intent on pitching its wares to potential customers, whose earnings are derived from a percentage of the price of the item that was sold. This parallelism can be translated with regard to the concept of affiliations, based on the link tracking inserted within a text content or a post on social media. If the user after clicking on it makes a purchase (a good or service), the "conduit" will earn a small profit.

This is an effective method that benefits all parties involved. The so-called promoter makes money with every purchase made through the link; the brand marketing the product, on the other hand, will see its reach increase, resulting in a net increase in sales.

affiliate marketing

Amazon affiliations

The methods of doing affiliate marketing are mainly as follows:

  • Articles on a blog or website;
  • Social posts;

For the first point, a practical example is reviews, imagining an editor analyzing new smartphones released on the market. Within the article will insert a link back to the Of one of the resellers of the device, which can be a ecommerce, or any point of sale. The user, by clicking on it and subsequently purchasing any product from that link (being tracked), will guarantee him a small income. Also very popular is the inclusion of hyperlinks in social network posts, especially on Facebook and Instagram, which have a large following among the world's population.

Among the most widely adopted systems is the Amazon affiliate program, with profit varying according to the goods being purchased, e.g. 3% for electronics, 10% for clothing, etc.

Can you make money with affiliations?

To the question of whether affiliations bring in a profit, the answer can only be one: yes, but with reservations. Initially it can be considered a extra income to one's monthly income, but to become a full-fledged business the road is quite complex.

What makes the difference is the quality and quantity of content, in addition to the fame of the "representative". Content that is well indexed on Google is more likely to be read by Internet surfers, but in order to earn higher revenues, a large amount of content must be published. With two or three articles/posts it is almost impossible to derive earnings. Therefore, consistency in publishing increases the chances of earning over time.

Different discussion should be made with so-called influencers. Those who have a large following, especially on social media, would not struggle to earn money through affiliation. For example, youtubers are wont to place link in description of the equipment used in the videos, or that of the products reviewed. Countless examples can be given, but weighing heavily in the possibility of making money with affiliate marketing is basically the ability to reach as many users as possible.

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