
AR Ads and the Video Creation Kit: let's find out what they are

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Facebook presents AR Ads And Video Creation Kit, the new tools for the Ads campaigns. Big news is the arrival of augmented reality and the creation of video ads.

Given the large number of registered users, Facebook è particolarmente apprezzato dalle aziende che voglio far conoscere il proprio marchio ai consumers. E’ il mezzo ideale per promuovere qualsiasi contenuto ad una grande mole di persone. Per questo motivo il social network creato da Mark Zuckerberg mira ad ottimizzare l’uso della piattaforma come strategia di marketing.

Le Facebook ADS, the paid service with which to promote one's activity on social via advertisements, was enhanced with the addition of new services. New applications were added that enriched the promotional campaigns managed by administrators. Among the most innovative services is the implementation of the augmented reality, with the introduction of the AR Ads, an acronym for Augmented Rality Ads, and the video ads, with the Video Creation Kit.

AR Ads, augmented reality as a communication strategy

Le AR Ads are New ad formats for mobile devices with which to promote a product through the augmented reality. The purpose is to make the user of the content experience something very similar to reality, as if they were experiencing it firsthand. To best illustrate the concept let's take as an example a company that markets clothing, specifically a cap. Using Facebook's AR Ads, the user has the opportunity to invirtually wearing the object.

Si tratta di un modo innovativo di fare pubblicità su internet. Gli amministratori delle campagne promozionali sul social network possono disporre di uno strumento in più, con il quale poter incrementare il numero delle conversions e conseguentemente delle vendite. Numerosi sono i marchi che hanno già testato questa funzionalità nelle proprie pagine ufficili. Tra quelli più rinomati figura Michael Kors, which in AR Ads allows its followers to virtually wear its products, pictured in the description is a pair of sunglasses.


Video Creation Kit, video ads for Ads campaigns.

The new features do not stop there. New services for their own Ads campaigns include the Video Creation Kit. It is a product made by Facebook, for mobile devices, with the purpose of To make more engaging video ads and intended to capture consumer interest.

This choice is mainly due to a habit shared by most users on the network. In fact, when one is in the process of observing the features of a particular product, watching a video is favored over reading a simple post. Administrators with the Video Creation Kit can produce videos quickly and easily by inserting logos, photos, overlay content. Possible future options could include the ability to include songs and musical motifs in the background.

Videos can be made in vertical format, from 9;16, and horizontal, 1:1, 4:5. There are various options, ranging in length from 6 to 15 seconds, in which to show the features of a product, explain how to use it, highlight its positive aspects, promote a special offer, etc.

AR Ads and Video Creation Kits greatly enrich the advertising campaigns adopted with Facebook Ads. A great service to spread one's brand in a more sympathetic and certainly eye-catching way.

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