How to download the green pass on your phone

green pass how it works

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How to download the green pass: a simple and complete guide on the methods available to you to request the green certificate and save it on your phone.

The pandemic that has been ongoing for almost two years now has significantly changed our habits, to the point that we have adapted to a very different situation compared to the normal life we have led up to now. At least in our country, however, we have returned to a sort of daily normality, with a mortality rate enormously lower than in the first half of 2020.

One of the means used to prevent the spread of Covid-19 is certainly the implementation of the Green Pass. However, many do not have clear ideas about how to download the Green Pass or, after losing it, getting it back on your device.

How Green Pass works

Before seeing how to download the Green pass, let's try to better understand what it consists of. It is a certification, adopted in Italy (already in mid-June 2021) and in other European Community countries (in force from July 1st), with the aim of limiting the spread of the disease and at the same time facilitate the movement of citizens. It can certify a series of situations, i.e. that the owner has received the Coronavirus vaccine (or has recovered from it no more than half a year ago) or has not tested positive in the rapid (2 days) or molecular (3 days) test.

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It therefore represents a document that allows theaccess to public places and to private structures always open to the public (airports, hospitals, restaurants, shops etc.) thus avoiding the risk of contagion. Without forgetting the possibility of traveling to other European Union countries without having to undergo quarantine or other tests.

Inside it contains a bar code which testifies to the subject's condition: when and how many doses he received, whether he has recovered from the disease, the name of the vaccine, the country that issued the certificate, his personal details, etc.

How to download the Green Pass

The GP must be exhibited in two ways: digital format (to be shown with your mobile phone) e paper (to be printed on a common A4 sheet). But how to download the Green Pass? There are several options to choose from, with the relevant links you can access via this link:

come scaricare il green pass

  • IO application, for public service
  • Immune Application
  • Login to the Personal Electronic Health Record
  • Access to the official government platform with the help of the Health Card or Spid

Simply enter your details as well as theAuthcode received via text message after taking the vaccine. However, this code is not needed with the IO app, with this certificate already present on the phone. In fact, it will be enough to have logged in with the SPID as it is a portal that receives all the documentation in the name of the subject.

However, if you have lost your green certificate and don't know how to recover your Green Pass, you can restore the Authcode on this site simply by entering the tax code, the last eight digits of the health card and the reason (if the one hundred and eighty days have passed due to a vaccination, swab or recovery from the virus). Then you can choose one of the systems mentioned in the list and complete the procedure.

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