
Create advertising flyer with the best software and online sites

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Create advertising flyer, some valuable suggestions on sites and applications to use for a low-cost poster.

In order to advertise one's business activity, whether it is a company, a small artisan store, or a freelancer's studio, one can rely on a wide range of possibilities. However, it is necessary to choose those best suited to your context: type de service offered, location where it is carried out, financial availability, etc.

In some cases, in addition to the need for spend a limited amount of money, the catchment area su cui indirizzare gli sforzi ha un raggio abbastanza limitato. Un esempio può essere il caso di un dentista di una località X. La marketing strategy da effettuare deve coprire la città in questione, o al massimo i comuni limitrofi, magari con una distanza di pochi km.

Therefore, in addition to social media and media advertising, a prominent tool with ample economic payoff is the flyer advertisement.

Create advertising flyer

Create advertising flyer: a highly effective medium for highly effective promotion, the result of a very specific action with positive implications. Not surprisingly, when one is handed to a passerby, or in the mail at home, it creates a eye contact between brand and consumer. The latter can take advantage of a real service, with which he will use the opportunity to note the best offers and see what is offered to him.

It is a non-invasive advertising, in which the person can observe in one or a few pages all that the brand offers.

In addition to hand delivery, you can still harness the power of the network by sending them via newsletter.

How to create an advertising flyer

Before explaining the various options on how to create an advertising flyer here are some good tips for how to best organize the plan to be developed:

  • How much to spend? At this juncture, the expense should not be high. Having determined in advance the amount to be used allows you to make the best choice of what will suit you;
  • Graphics. An attractive interface makes it possible to capture the attention of the "reader" right away. Photos should be of good quality, being those showing the products or services of the business to be advertised. A suitable color choice, not excessive, can give that extra touch.
  • What to write. Words are important (cit.), even more so when you want to convey a message. Better to use short, concise sentences with a call to action. Too much prolixity can be detrimental;


Having ascertained this the best let us go to discover the best programs on the market:

  • Microsoft Office. It contains programs such as. Publisher (simple, intuitive, contains numerous predefined templates on which you can indulge, choosing the one best suited to your needs), PowerPointWord (Even the classic word processing application is sufficient).
  • LibreOffice, the alternative to Microsoft-branded programs, with computer graphics software Draw, ideal for making level graphics;

For even more professional use, the most suitable are:

  • Adobe Indesign, by Adobe creative Cloud, sia per sistemi Windows che Apple. Un servizio ambivalente che possono utilizzare tutti, sia chi è alle prime armi che i professionisti del settore, con la creazione di volantini, riviste, locandine ecc. Dopo il mese di prova è necessario sottoscrivere un abbonamento.
  • Swift Publisher, with hundreds of predefined templates for creating flyers, brochures, newsletters. You can use it on a trial basis for one month before choosing the most suitable subscription;
  • PagePlus Starter Edition, for Windows users only, with free and paid versions.

Canva il sistema gratuito per creare il tuo volantino online Gianluca Gentile

Create online advertising flyer

On the other hand, those who are not too demanding and need a flyer for a sporadic event (fairs, birthdays) can take advantage of good online services. Websites that provide preset graphics, which can be customized very easily. The most popular are:

  • LucidPress, free up to 25 mb of data capacity. In case of continuous use one can subscribe to one of the current options: 12 months from €5 and up;
  • Canva, very easy to use, free, with several layouts and backgrounds available. Some preferences are for sale for about one euro.

Tags: create advertising flyer, how to create an advertising flyer, create online flyer, create an advertising flyer, create flyers with word, create online advertising flyer for free.

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