
Creating a mobile application: the benefits for businesses

how much does it cost to create an application

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Create an application for mobile devices represents the new frontier with which to grow your business with an innovative tool used continuously by your potential customers.

Chi di noi non utilizza lo smartphone alzi la mano. È praticamente impossibile trovare qualcuno che non possieda o che non usi ogni giorno questo apparecchio, ormai diventato il nostro inseparabile compagno fedele. Non a caso difficilmente riusciremmo a stare più di mezzora senza dare un’occhiata al display, anche solo per vedere se è arrivata qualche notifica o solamente per navigare su Google.

But the mobile phone, thanks to the very rapid technological development, we use it an infinite number of times for the most disparate reasons, thanks above all to the possibility of download applications from markets dei sistemi operativi. Ma non stiamo parlando soltanto dei classici giochi o delle app dei social media.

In fact, these software appear as an opportunity to great development for companies, having an additional solution available to grow and give your audience an additional service, but not only that.

Create an Android and iOS application: why?

According to data collected by the main statistical companies, the average user uses the terminal, therefore with screen sessions turned on, for at least 1/3 of the day. We are talking about sensational figures, which should make us think above all from a commercial perspective. Since it is a real means of communication, any large or small company should very carefully evaluate the benefits regarding its advertising strategy.

Who to turn to when developing an app

But let's take a practical example. You have a small company that deals with household appliance repairs, and perhaps you want to create a mobile application to enrich and improve your communication campaign. In fact, it represents a truly intelligent and future-oriented idea that will bring you significant benefits. In fact, your customers, through the simple application downloaded to their phone, can book an intervention with a simple click, see the prices of the service you offer and the different types of intervention, etc. OR

Not just advertising, also optimization of internal resources

The need to create an application should not be analyzed only from this point of view, as it is also a useful tool for improving one's work and optimizing production levels. A real internal software, available to employees, with which they can promote communication between the various departments or manage customer orders more effectively.

Having said that, here are the main reasons why it is advisable to develop an Android and iOS application for your company:

  • You have greater visibility of your brand
  • You can communicate directly and incisively with your customers
  • Puoi concedere servizi aggiuntivi per i consumers
  • Optimize internal resources
  • You stand out from the competition

Who to contact to develop an app?

create an android application

We have seen the significant benefits that come from create an application for your commercial business, both in terms of advertising and strengthening of the internal structure. To create one there are essentially two ways: do-it-yourself development or rely on a serious external agency like ours.

In the first case there is no certainty of developing a product that works and is suited to your needs, with the risk of continually encountering lag or structural problems. If you want to produce instead a professional application for your company then it's time to turn to the experts. Our team of developers deals with the design of Android and iOS apps with an attractive dashboard indicated for optimal management and without any type of impediment.

Do you want to Transform yours e-commerce in an app? Do you have a store and want to offer a home delivery service? Do you have a pizzeria and want to show your menu? Or do you want to create a platform for delivering online courses?

Whatever your goal, we can make it happen together with you!

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