Keywords are critical to the success of a campaign on Google Ads, but so are the words to be excluded from advertisements
Reverse-matching keywords
The success of Google Ads campaigns means that the classified ads of published companies are shown in the top positions of the Google. Users make their research and when they click on the ad they "land" on the site; since it is a network "pay per click", Google charges the cost for the click to the company's advertising account.
Before the advertisements are published, it is necessary to start by researching the best keywords To create them in order to meet user demands, viz. potential customers. So keywords effective equal effective bells, but there are aspects to consider.
For example, when a lieutenant searches Google for "sneakers," ads from companies selling "used sneakers" might appear on the web page. If the user clicks on this ad, much out of curiosity or lack of clarity, he or she will probably not find what he or she was looking for, and the company will not make money on that click because the user was not interested in the product or service offered.
All this is to say that it is important that we show our ad to the specific target audience to which our products or services are directed, and this is where the keywords a reverse correspondence, also called negated keywords. These can be exact match or phrase-matched and should be specified in our campaigns because instead of activating, block The display of ads.
These keywords make it possible to avoid wasting budget and improving performance, as the ultimate goal is always the conversion end user into customer.
If we exclude from the campaign determined words, so that they do not show our ads, we will have a better chance of success, which will be determined by the contexts in which our ads will not appear when they are not inherent. In this way we will focus the budget and campaigns only to users who are really interested in what we offer.
So you have to figure out who to target and who not to target, with proper choice of keywords To be included or excluded. Let's see together how to do it in a few simple steps.
Where to enter keywords
Before publishing our campaign, we will need to enter a list Of keywords to be excluded. We can take advantage of the "Google keyword tool" to search for them, and then update and optimize the Google Ads campaign as we go. If we filter the search terms and identify additional words to exclude in the event, we will have a better chance of success.
On Google Ads, we can insert reverse-matching keywords in two ways:
- by ad group: we will enter the words individually
- per campaign: we will enter words either individually or using lists created in the "Library shared", which is the recommended operation since they are more controllable; also, it will be easier to remove a number of terms from the entire campaign, along with specific negations that will allow additional control.
Finding reverse match keywords with actual searches
When promoting a campaign, we need to consider that there are certain aspects of research that have a return higher than investments, while others do not entice purchase.
To find negative keywords we start from what shows us the customer is looking for, to include or exclude certain requests From our countryside.
Google Ads allows you to do this type of analysis in the "Keywords.", to the subheading "Search terms": it is a report which shows the actual searches used by users to view ads.
Then, by studying the clients and their research contained in this report, we can choose which term to deny. Let's click on the "Add as a reverse-matching keyword", we choose the type of matching (sentence or exact) to negate it and whether to apply it for ad or campaign groups.
Finding reverse-matching keywords
If we are looking for the right keywords to exclude, we will have to pay attention to some aspects, in particular:
- research related to gratuitousness
- Research related to comparison, reviews, or problems with goods or services
- Research terms related to manuals and activity monitoring
- terms related to products that do not have a good profit margin
- Terms that clarify how to use a product already purchased
In addition, we will have to consider whether or not to exclude keywords related to our competitors, because a click obtained from a search that contains a term "competitor" is an earned click, but it is not certain that we will be able to convert it into a lead or close a sale.
Excluded match keyword types
There are different types of matching for negative keywords as well:
- a generic correspondence excluded: ads that contain all negative keywords will be excluded, but will continue to appear if they contain some and not all of the reverse-matched words
- a exact match excluded: ads will not be displayed only if the query contains all and only those keywords enter in the sequence. For example, the ad will not be displayed for queries that contain the keyword "organic product," but for those that contain keywords such as "organic products" and "purchase organic product"
- a correspondence to excluded sentence: The order in which the reverse-matched keywords are entered is considered. Those ads that contain the entire sequence of keywords in that exact order will not be displayed; it makes no difference whether there are other terms in the phrase before or after the keyword
We must always keep in mind that:
- ads may run for searches that contain the keyword we excluded, if the terms used contain more than one word
- ads could be published for searches with phrases of more than ten words, if the word we excluded follows the tenth word
Are you ready to choose the best keywords for your ads?
If you have had any difficulties in your search or would like more information, please do not hesitate and consult our website