Find your site's potential
You should know that even paid websites/blogs, those that have high costs are not perfect. Neither are those websites/blogs from which you make big revenues. From the smallest to the largest, you can always improve and the more time passes, the more there will be some changes to be made, added or removed in order to optimize everything. In short from the moment you launch on the web, your website/blog will always need further work and efficient optimization. Please remember to check your potential earnings periodically and fixed deadline, so you can decide if it can be higher and thus what to improve on your website/blog.
Check the price
When you have set your priorities, you need to establish the most important things for the website/blog, never forget the goals you set, the ones you want to achieve at all costs, and the future ones. At the time of checking, ask yourself if they have changed; check what influences these goals and what mechanisms devo no be refined. We tell you this because affiliate website/blog commission income is the focal point and is almost always the most important factor.
La cosa più importante è prestare molta attenzione all’ottimizzazione della conversione per ottenere i ricavi. Il principale impatto sui ricavi che puoi ottenere sono dati dal traffico verso il tuo website; più sono elevati i volumi di traffico e sono elevati i tassi di conversione, più sono i ricavi che se ne ottengono. Questi sono i parametri più importanti per un sito web di affiliazione: se modifichi qualcosa tieni sempre in mente questi dati.
Increase traffic
Remember that your website/blog is not static. It must live move and you can always get more traffic to it. Always check the statistics of your website/blog, find the most popular articles with the highest number of views per page, then take them as an example and start writing more on this topic using the same structure, content and topic area: winning team does not change.
Non è detto che gli articoli che non ricevono molto riscontro siano da buttare: li puoi ottimizzare. Ad esempio se un articolo ha molti visitatori ma è in basso alle ricerche di Google, allora dovresti approfondire le tecniche di optimization SERP, che serve a migliorare l’ottimizzazione on-page e off-page.
Always also analyze the top search terms displayed in Google Search Console, talking about ranking in search results. Always write lots of articles about what attracts visitors the most.
The best content always in the spotlight
Obviously, as mentioned before, you will write a lot about the topics that are most attractive to your visitors, but you may also have great content that gets very few views, however. You can optimize them with backlinks and links within the article, so that you tap on the best articles and link back to those articles that received few views. It would be good to share posts several times on social media so that you get more views.
Related topics
Googel really appreciates related topics between articles. This improves your ranking in Google (and thus improves traffic to your website/blog). Search for your already published articles and go deeper into the topic, or write about topics related to that old article, both of which you can relate through internal links and thus revamp the old one and give a full-bodied look to the new one.
New topics
Each website/blog has several articles, and none remains static and stand-alone. In each area there are changes in the different topics and even in the areas themselves. Always stay informed about the release of new products, new technologies, changes in the market, and news. Your visitors will welcome new information from you, on your website/blog or on social media, also creating an exchange of opinions and comments.
New articles are also a test to put old articles under scrutiny and see if our visitors are still interested or if we need to make changes.
Traffic sources
Thanks to Google Search Console, you can see which part of the world your visitors are coming from. We recommend that you put this information together to plan and write content tailored to their needs. Google also provides you with Image Search with which you can optimize your gallery. You can thus : use an appropriate file name, format and alt text. With this, your visitors can easily find the information through Image Search.
The Social
Your website/blog is not just your website/blog. Choose the best Social sites and share your website/blog content. Social is really an immense container, available in many different forms and attracting a large, diverse and often targeted audience. You can use a tool called Buffer with which to analyze which of your articles are the most shared on social media. Thanks to Buffer you will know which topics are the most popular with your visitors.
Thanks to you can analyze your competitors and know everything: their potential traffic, their visitors, their content, and their rankings. You can benchmark your website/blog and change the things that are wrong.
The order
The revenue sources of your website/blog should be optimized as follows:
Conversion rate optimization
Conversion rate is defined as the percentage of visitors to an item, who take a specific action. When you become an Amazon affiliate, you will be interested in sales or the number of clicks. There are many ways to optimize conversion rate: try other advertising tools, change the location of ads, change other content within the article, and more.
Thanks to you can perform heat map analysis by showing you where visitors click within an article. This tool will help you place affiliate advertising materials where most users turn their eyes.
Replicating success
It's true it's not nice to say copy and do better, but in the income web world that's just the way it is. Always take a look at those websites/blogs that produce multiple sources of income and work well. Once you understand how they have evolved, what they are aiming for, and what works best, use those income sources more often and write similar content more frequently. You don't have to copy and paste, but copy the idea and then write your own.
Don't just aim for the positive. Also look for your competitor's problems and improve where he goes wrong. Revenue sources can be optimized, but they don't do it by themselves; you have to study them, try them, find out what works, what to improve, and have time and patience.
The best products need to be optimized
When you notice that a particular article or page on your site attracts a lot of visitors, you need to make it your workhorse. First do a complete conversion optimization; try installing new affiliate links and other sources of advertising revenue within the article in order to increase the click-through rate.
When you decide to start an affiliate website/blog (affiliate marketing) you should know that it is closely related to the continuous optimization of your website, whether it concerns content, monetization, traffic and much more.
You need to know that this is an ongoing job that should never be interrupted, because the website/blog has enormous potential-you just need to find out what it is and do lots of testing to see what works best and what needs to be improved.