
A free WordPress plugin to import Word documents

a free wordpress plugin to import word documents

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When simply copying and pasting a document in .docx format creates formatting problems, a plugin WordPress can help solve them


From Word to WordPress: problems related to different formatting

Word documents have a certain formatting and import them onto WordPress it can be very useful for organizing work on articles provided by a client or to facilitate the copywriting activity.
Formatting documents Microsoft Word, Google Docs and other programs can cause problems when we copy and paste text into theWordPress editor. Although the latter has been updated and improved over time, problems may still arise problems. Once copied, some elements of the Word file such as headings, spaces, boldface, images and lists may be offset from the previous arrangement; this is due to the formatting given by Word.
How can we solve the problem? Let's see it together in a few simple steps.


The free plugin to import .docx documents into WordPress

So that the WordPress editor does not run into problems related to the text of .docx files, we can use a converter. This is to make the format of that text compatible with that of the editor, once converted.
To this end, we can use a plugins of WordPress, which is a program through which we give new potential to ours website and possibility of customization, as we can add as many plugins as we want. The plugin in question is Mammoth .dox converter, designed to convert .docx documents, such as those created by Microsoft Word, Google Docs and LibreOffice in HTML. It can be downloaded for free from the WordPress main screen in the “Plugins” section and, thanks to it, not only will we avoid the problems mentioned above, but we will not even need to copy and paste the text.
After installing the plugin we will have to activate it and, once a new article has been inserted, we will find a special section to upload the .docx file.

mammoth .docx converter uploads word files to your website

mammoth .docx converter uploads word files to your website

Conversion of elements using Mammoth .docx converter

The plugin Mammoth docx. converter it is very simple to use and will show the result immediately after importing the file. Mammoth is updated frequently, currently supporting most of the elements and “translates” them into HTML:

  • Headers
  • Lists
  • Tables
  • Footnotes
  • Images
  • Bold and italics
  • Links
  • Text boxes

When we load a text, the Mammoth plugin does not take into account elements such as style, font and size of the text and converts the heading of paragraphs into elements H1.
The loaded text or article will not present errors and will not need "cleaning" operations, as the plugin does not change either the headers or the highlighted parts of text.
Furthermore, the text insertion process is much simpler and more immediate, without having to rewrite the article from scratch since it will be loaded with a simple click.

If you had difficulty installing this plugin or want more information on the topic, do not hesitate and consult our site https://www.gtechgroup.it/.

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