
How to promote an ecommerce: strategies to adopt

How to promote an ecommerce, ecommerce site promotion, how to make an ecommerce site

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Come promuovere un ecommerce To expand their business and increase web sales.

The network has become an indispensable element of any business activity, regardless of sector of origin or economic scope. It is not in the least desirable not to integrate within the strategies di marketing such a vital and powerful tool, having a fairly significant bearing on a company's chances of growth or otherwise.
Questo vale a maggior ragione per quelle realtà che vendono beni o prodotti di consumo e possiedono un punto vendita fisico, le quali desiderano innalzare le vendite sfruttando il mezzo online. Per ottenere ciò è necessario creare un e-commerce.

How to promote an ecommerce for your business

By now everyone is fully aware of what an e commerce is. It can be understood as a online store where the user can shop online, choosing from a range of products or services the site offers and purchasing them with one click.

We are facing a major change from the past, a worldwide phenomenon that will not cease its growth in the slightest. Those in commerce immediately understood the benefits to be had from the creation of a virtual point of sale. Amazon and eBay sono i brand più rinomati in tal senso, ma sia le aziende più conosciuti che quelle considerate di nicchia presentano all’interno del proprio website un’apposita sezione dedicata alla e-commerce promotion.

Promotion ecommerce site

Small businesses or freelancers should also take advantage of this opportunity if they intend to face the free market with all possible weapons.

The small businessman most often assumes that this is a ploy intended only for large multinational corporations with turnovers in the billions and clientele from all over the globe. But this is a totally erroneous point of view. Even the small artisan can and should use this tool.

Let us take as a reference an artist who makes ceramics in a small town. He owns a website in which he showcases his creations, which are highly appreciated by his fellow citizens. With the promotion of an e-commerce he will be able to expand its reach outside the simple center where his store is located, benefiting from a marked increase in sales and consequently in his own income.

So we can easily see that an ecommerce allows the number of customers to grow disproportionately. In this case, goods can be sold anywhere, even on different continents.

Having realized that it is a viable solution to adopt for any type of business, it is necessary to move on to the next step. Creating an ecommerce is now an indispensable factor, but this must represent only the first step with which to start a long journey. What has relevance at this juncture is the promotion, that is, the ability to take all the necessary measures to make it work as well as possible, so that it can approach more users who need to be turned into customers.

How to promote an ecommerce

Starting an online store is essential for approaching a virtually unlimited number of potential customers. However, it is advisable to have a marketing strategy ben definita, with which to avoid making mistakes and unnecessarily wasting one's finances.

how to promote an ecommerce

The salesperson has to make the user achieve a certain goal (thus a conversion) which need not be the final purchase of the product, such as placing a product in the shopping cart.

Next we show some key concepts to be able to successfully integrate and apply for the e-commerce promotion Of their own entrepreneurial activity.

1) Take advantage of the action of social

Social networks are a very powerful tool for one's business, especially useful with regard to how to promote an ecommerce. There are a variety of options to employ in this regard: post the product link within a text, accompany it with an image or video.

In this regard we recommend theaid of as many social media as possible. Not only the classic Facebok and Instagram, but also in those with less of a following such as LinkedIn, or the latest such as Tik Tok, a potential customer can hide. Moreover, posting in multiple profiles does not assume a large outlay of money.

2) Produce interesting content

Connecting to the first point, it becomes necessary to give rise to a strong interaction with one's followers, so that the relationship between the parties can continue long after the fact. With the creation of captivating content the product or service is illustrated more vigorously, arousing greater interest, as well as an accurate description that intrigues the user. Copying files taken from the web over and over again, on the other hand, can be counterproductive.

3)Favour photo and video creation

Photos and video clips are critical in conveying the product you want to sell. They possess far more action than simple text, as they can have a strong and immediate visual impact. Even more so videos, which can be employed on numerous platforms such as Youtube, Facebook, Tik Tok, Instagram.

Therefore it becomes appropriate to create content that is not only purely artistic, but artistic and above all.

4) Enter the form for the newsletter

An excellent stratagem on how to promote an ecommerce is to propose offers via email address through the newsletter subscription, with which the user can receive information on products, new arrivals and current offers. It is also an excellent means of sending personalized offers (e.g., a 20 percent discount code on festive occasions) giving the user one more reason to make a purchase.

5) Use the Exit Intent Pop Up.

This is a marketing technique employed to Warding off user abandonment, preventing him from leaving the site. It can be understood as a last resort: as soon as the person is about to close the page a popup is shown on the screen in which a request to enter the email for receiving exclusive offers is communicated, with the hope that they do not close permanently.

It is a non-invasive tool (it does not give any annoyance during navigation) and only appears on exit.

6) Exit Intent Pop Up on Cart.

One of the actions that the owner of a buying and selling site hopes for is the inclusion of an item on the shopping cart. This denotes a strong user interest, but the user does not assume 100% the purchase. Even in many cases he may empty it, without having completed the sale.

Fortunately, the pop up (such as those illustrated in Step 5) which appear only in the potential customer's interface, with an ad hoc offer on the products in the shopping cart. In case of failure, one can fall back on sending personalized emails.


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