
How to save videos from Facebook, photos and published posts

how to copy photos from Facebook

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Let's find out together how to save video from Facebook, as well as posts and photos that you have published over the years and may wish to keep a copy.

Da quasi due decenni possiamo annoverare Facebook come uno dei social media più influenti ed utilizzati al mondo anche tra le nuove generazioni, con un numero di iscritti che si avvicina sensibilmente al miliardo. Sebbene ci sia stato l’exploit di Instagram i numeri continuano ad essere davvero considerevoli, soprattutto in ottica pubblicitaria.  Le aziende e i liberi professionisti con la creazione di pagine ufficiali vi intravedono infatti un ottimo espediente per mettersi in bella vista nei confronti del pubblico ed interagire con esso. Uno communication tool so powerful that it undoubtedly guarantees a image return not indifferent in this regard, if used obviously with much perseverance and dedication.

This means publishing content on an almost daily basis, so posts, promotional video clips, images, and so on that you might also want to keep for future uses. Items to keep and reuse for further purposes related to your business.

Saving videos from Facebook: how to have a copy of your content

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You have an official profile that you use to advertise the products sold by your commercial enterprise or the services you offer through your freelance business. A very useful information channel within which, over the years, you will have posted hundreds and hundreds of Posts, miscellaneous communications such as offers and promotions, promotional images and videos. And for different reasons you would like to make a back up of all this, exporting the various files and getting A copy to be stored on external media. You also fear that your page may be blocked, or be the victim of a cyber attack. Or do you simply want to saving video from Facebook, photos and posts since they represent the work of several years that you consequently wish to jealously guard.

Yet making copies of real posts one by one can be quite complex and moreover tedious, not surprisingly wasting hours and hours of work. Valuable time wasted unnecessarily since, fortunately for us, the platform itself provides its users with a great opportunity, namely that of performing a duplicate in a very simple way and in different media.

How to copy photos, videos and posts from Facebook

But let's cut to the chase, shall we see how to save video from Facebook Examining the different steps to be taken:

  • Click on "Settings"
  • Go to "Your Facebook Information"
  • Select the item "Transfer a copy of your information"

how to save video from facebook

  • Choose the items to be copied and the format on which you want to perform the duplication

export photos from Facebook

  • Go to "Login" and enter your credentials

Passaggi abbastanza elementari per ottenere una copia da conservare su Google Foto, Docs o su piattaforme di cloud storage come Dropbox e Koofr.


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