
Google's second page: possible send-off soon?

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There second page of Google, and all others to follow, could be eliminated in the future with the introduction of a vertical scroll with which to load all results in a single screen.

Chi desidera beneficiare di una certa visibilità su internet deve realizzare ovviamente dei quality content e che vengano letti da un buon numero di utenti. Nei fatti bisogna produrre articoli o pagine web con l’obiettivo di indicizzarli al meglio sui search engine, so as to achieve a satisfactory ranking on the results expressed by the Serp.

In this regard, we know perfectly well that the first page of the Search Engine Results Page reports a series of results depending on the keywords used, both on the desktop and mobile versions. But this system, sooner or later, could undergo a net change that would change the whole ecosystem around it, especially in the area of SEO. We are talking about the possible elimination of the second page of Google.

Away with the second page of Google?

Second page of google,second page google,google second page,delete second page google,the second page of google,second page google seo

As we mentioned earlier the increase in clicks by surfers on their own website is a goal of fundamental importance to be pursued with careful indexing work. In fact, this will allow your brand to be known by as large an audience as we find online and consequently increase its fame. So if your content is placed on the first page produced by the search engine you will have high hopes that it will be viewed by a high number of people. If, on the other hand, it finds a place on the second, third or fourth screen of Google it will exponentially decrease user clicks. The system we know could likewise be disrupted, especially in the wake of the latest news from overseas.

A few days ago there was a change that saw the elimination of the second page of Google replaced by one scrolling down. It is a new feature that currently only affects U.S. citizens who are smartphone and tablet users (excluding the desktop version). Specifically, the vertical scroll goes to serially show all links previously present on the second, third, fourth page, etc. So at the end of the search performed on the smartphone, the words "next page" will no longer appear.

Second page of Google

What will change for SEO

This is a development aimed at facilitating the navigation of those who do not find the proper answers after typing the keyword, and who then click on the pages to follow. This has displaced users and insiders, especially with regard to the use of the SEO In terms of indexing.

But how much will Google's eventual farewell of the second page affect the litmus test? In fact, one thing must be considered: less than one in a hundred users look further than the second page. Therefore, all those in the web industry who are working to make a site more visible should not experience major changes in this regard. At the same time, the actual user experience should be evaluated. The habit of scrolling is already among our habits, given the daily use of the social media such as Instagram and Facebook. Also not to be underestimated is the introduction of additional elements such as photos and videos, which would become callback tools for observing other results visible by scrolling.

Therefore, all that remains is to wait for further news on the subject, given the not so remote possibility that we will see the arrival of these novelties in our country as well.



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