
What is a call to action: how to create an effective message

how to create a call to action

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What is a call to action: come utilizzare questo prezioso strumento di web marketing necessario per incrementare le conversions ed incentivare il cliente ad acquistare i tuoi prodotti o servizi.

Attirare nuovi clienti rappresenta il pane quotidiano per qualsiasi attività commerciale che vuole imporsi nel suo settore, e al contempo crearsi una nomea seria ed affidabile agli occhi dei consumers. Per questo motivo hai deciso di improntare la tua marketing strategy with the use of different channels, whether it is running blogs on your website, the publication of posts on official social pages or a promotional ad to be shown on television or in the classic posters we see scattered around our streets.

To obtain concrete feedback it is essential to create a incisive and captivating message, which stimulates the potential customer's curiosity and pushes him to purchase your product. And this is where the call to action comes in,

What is a call to action

The term call to action refers to a fundamental element within a promotional campaign used to encourage the reader to carry out a specific action, for example:

  • Purchasing a product
  • Subscribing to a service
  • Sharing a post on social media

It's nothing more than a invitation to do something, for example asking your readers to share a document, a post, video and so on. The reason why you use this tool is to attract the user's attention on a specific message or action to be performed, with the aim of encouraging them not only to proceed with the purchase, but also simply to interact with advertising campaigns, actively participate with the community through comments and shares, etc. It is therefore a smart way to advertise and broaden the scope of your current business operation.

A powerful and effective tool, if used intelligently

Le call to action possono avere un effetto molto positivo sulle vendite, se utilizzate in modo appropriato e se riescono a chiamare l’attenzione dell’utente senza eccedere con la persuasione e la richiesta di eseguire una determinata azione. È necessario fare in modo che si integrino il resto della advertising campaign e risultino consistent with the message transmitted.

definition of call to action

For example, in a 500-word article it can be quite harmful to ask to share the content on social media for each paragraph or to invite you to subscribe to the newsletter. Or if you have created a radio commercial it is useless to announce to the listener every two or three times to go to your point of sale. This way you would do nothing but annoy or, even worse, cause a certain annoyance.

Therefore, in the construction of a "call to action" a series of parameters must be considered, for example the audience and the characteristics of the message you intend to convey

How to create an effective call to action

Having arrived this far you may be wondering: what is the best way to create a call to action effective?

First you need to understand what we intend to achieve with communication. If we want to involve a potential customer we must understand what our business is and how we can improve it. Furthermore, we need to decide what our strengths are and identify areas where we can be more competitive. Finally, we must identify the target audience to be involved and prepare to present our offer in a convincing manner. Then we should adapt everything according to the chosen means of communication, so whether it is a blog, a post on Instagram, an advertisement broadcast on television, a promotional flyer, etc.

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Furthermore, the message can be achieved in various ways. To give some examples of calls to action, you can include the slogan of a product, the description of a service offered by a company, the invitation to send comments on a post published on the blog, or clicking on a link to a web page dedicated to purchasing or receiving a service.

Regarding the article exposed here I invite you to click here, in order to observe more closely the services offered by my agency and my trusted collaborators, especially regarding the creation of advertising campaigns and the creation of websites for individuals and companies. Or alternatively send me a message via the section contacts and together we will plan an information call to best guide you on how to organize your web marketing strategy.

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