
Web site security: how to verify your web space

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Security website: here are some solutions you can use on your pc to check the structure of online spaces and ascertain the presence of potential malware.

That of the security is an issue of strong interest to web surfing users. Not surprisingly, almost all owners of a computer or mobile device have a antivirus act to protect it from the numerous malware on the network.

There is a distinct feeling that one is safe from possible attacks; or at least there is the appearance of it. In fact, not all software dedicated to prevention succeeds in meeting expectations. Fortunately, there are reliable solutions to safeguard one's computer and experience the online universe without worry.

Web site security

Browsing the net, it is not impossible to come across websites creati ad hoc, con l’intento di catturare l’interesse dell’utente risultando tuttavia al contempo un contenitore pieno di virus nocivi per il proprio computer. Pertanto la strada da percorrere per abbattere i rischi è solo una: controllo website security.

Web site verification

Appearances are deceiving. This is a concept to be taken into account not only in everyday life, but also in the interactive sector. While browsing, the need to enter websites that have never been visited before may arise, with all sorts of reasons: Reading a blog article, downloading a file or software from a source that is not fully verified.

This can increase the risk of catching viruses. In less severe cases it is just small annoying software that replaces the pre-existing browser, with the insertion of unsolicited advertising pages. With some guidance on the web you can solve the problem yourself. If it goes wrong you will need to seek the assistance of a professional to avert the worst, shelling out quite a few pennies.

However, it is possible prevent such occurrences. This is possible thanks to specific services on the network that can be used for free, with which to check the website security Before visiting it.

Website security monitoring: the best services

Following we illustrate is a list with the main software dedicated to this task. All have a high degree of reliability and can be used without having to spend money.

Secure SiteCheck

It allows you to analyze the website by scanning its address, which must be reported in the appropriate bar. After clicking on the Scan website is issued a feedback reporting all the information collected during the analysis process: presence of viruses, applications that "trigger" spam, possibility of being enrolled within the black list.

Check the security of a website

Virus Total

It is probably the user's favorite. One of the best regarding the topic website security test. It was purchased from His Majesty Google, a guarantee of reliability. The operation is similar to that illustrated in the previous point, with the input of the web address to be inspected. The response is entrusted to two icons: positive if the angel materializes, negative with the devil.

Ssl certificate

Another valuable element that shows the goodness of a site is to ascertain the presence of the Ssl certificate. Performing this verification is very simple. It is sufficient to check whether there is http with a green lock on the end at the origin, attesting to the use of the cryptographic connection.

This is recommended for users who intend to make an online purchase, resulting in the disclosure of personal information: first name, last name, credit card, etc.

Website Analysis with Extensions

In addition to online services, it is possible to download certain extensions for their browser. They simultaneously examine the website, reporting a green-colored dot if it is safe. The most reputable one is Safe Preview.

Safe Preview

Check the web space before clicking. After being downloaded, valid on both Chrome and Mozilla, you need to direct the mouse "arrow" to the site you intend to observe. Then two figures pop up on the screen, a small lens and a shield. The latter shows security-related data, extrapolated after a quick analysis. If it turns green then the site is genuine; red indicates the presence of a virus; the rooster represents a kind of warning to possible issues.

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