
BNI Rome, the exchange of references between professionals

BNI Rome

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BNI Rome it is one of the largest Italian offices, the scene of meetings between workers and entrepreneurs who intend to expand their business. A model that has represented a valid opportunity for business growth in our country for over 15 years.

The current historical moment of our country is certainly not among the best. All sectors are characterized by extensive difficulties, with a significant negative benefit. Especially in the workplace, a strong and constant pessimism has developed which affects everyone, from the large entrepreneur to the small neighborhood craftsman.

At the same time we must take into account all the opportunities that the market offers. Opportunities to exploit in order to restart the growth of your business. AND what if the opportunity came from the workers themselves? BNI bases its foundations on this point.

BNI Rome, the organization for the exchange of references

A reality characterized by exchange of references between professionals, in which you can compare yourself and broaden your range of action. This is the key concept of BNI, acronym Business Network International. The organization is based on the meeting between groups of workers, who recommend to third parties the performance of the members known in this context. Simply put, a sort of occurs chain advertising, which aims to encourage the entrepreneurial activities of the various members. A real opportunity for growth for your business, with the meeting between professionals from any sector. All this happens without paying a commission to a member who acts as an "intermediary".

The organization, which has been operating in the USA for over three decades, arrived in Italy in 2003, with branches scattered throughout the country.

What is BNI Rome?

It is among the most renowned branches on the national scene BNI Rome, the platform that hosts profiles interested in improving the working conditions in the capital. This occurs through word of mouth which aims to increase its customer network in the area.

The context is the same as other branches. The focal point is the exchange of references. Each user directs the work performance of a professional they met during participation in the meeting to their contact (be it a friend, relative, or acquaintance).

The meetings take place mainly during the early hours of the day between approximately 7.30 and 8.30, with activities divided according to the following methods:

  • Presentation with members and light refreshments;
  • Exposure of the various figures for a few minutes;
  • Illustration of your business (10 minutes).

BNI Rome Chapters

To become aware of this environment full of opportunities, the first step is to go to a Chapter. The chapters are none other than the groups made up of professionals, each exponent of a specialized figure: a restaurateur, a workshop owner, a masseur, a dentist, etc.

It is possible to participate via the following options:

  • Search for the chapter closest to your area of residence (see Advanced Search section);
  • Be invited by another participant.

However, to participate or be invited it is necessary to guarantee seriousness and reliability, demonstrating that you are true professionals.

BNI Rome opinions

Below we report what they say about Bni Roma some users who actively participated in the various sessions:

  • Lucia: “my catering business was going through a difficult time. The requests for work decreased and I just didn't know how to resolve the issue. With the BNI meetings I came into contact with serious and helpful people. Thanks to them, new clients contacted me and my business regained momentum”;
  • Alfredo: “a dear entrepreneur friend of mine told me about BNI Roma. I thought it was a hassle to attend these events in the early hours of the morning. Instead it opened up a new way for me to increase my business”;
  • Monica: “my cleaning company benefited from these "breakfasts". I met many interesting people. With some, in addition to recommending me to their contacts, they asked for my services for cleaning and sanitizing their work environments".

Broaden your horizons with direct referral

BNI Roma può rappresentare una valida opportunità per ampliare il proprio business e farsi conoscere dai potenziali consumers tramite la referenza diretta. Numerosi i benefici dovuti alla partecipazione al meeting, a fronte di una piccola retta annuale:

  • Sharing di idee con esperti di altri settori;
  • Tangible opportunities to broaden your reach;
  • In-depth guides reserved for members on the means to exploit to optimize skills.

For further information and to see where the nearest meetings take place here is the official website of BNI Italia.

Tags: BNI Rome, BNI Rome Termini, BNI Rome what is it, BNI Rome opinions, BNI Rome Eur, what they say about BNI Rome, BNI Rome Prati, BNI Rome north west, BNI Rome south west, BNI Rome chapters,

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