
Create digital catalogs within your website

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Create catalogs online is the ideal solution for showcasing a company's products and services, taking advantage of the power of the web.

Advertising has now moved online. The web has become the main stage of the market, widely exploited by large and small brands to promote themselves. This is largely due to the large number of people who browse there every day. A huge amount of potential customers that you can acquire to sell your products or services.

Per catturare l’attenzione dell’utente, oltra ad impostare il proprio contenuto seguendo le direttive seo, è possibile integrare alcune strategies utilizzate nella pubblicità pre internet ed integrarla sulla rete. Una di queste è la possibilità di creare cataloghi.

Create digital catalogs

In face to face marketing activities, an excellent strategy for showing your products to the public is the creation of leaflet, containing within it the images and descriptions of the same. It represents a more effective way to push you to complete the purchase.

All this can also be easily transferred to marketing strategies on the web, in create catalogues and online brochures that can be easily browsed with a simple click.

They are an excellent service for the user, who, being used to browsing via PC or smartphone, prefers to look at a product by searching for it directly on Google rather than handling a flyer, which is possibly inconvenient and above all cumbersome.

Another aspect, secondary but not least, concerns respect for the environment. In fact, they can be an advantageous solution not only in terms of public appreciation, but also to safeguard the planet from the continuous consumption of paper.

How to create online catalogs

Every business has a website. As mentioned above, to show the peculiarities of an object, the characteristics of a service, prices, sizes, etc., an ideal choice is to create online catalogues.

These digital magazines can be created very easily. There is valid software on the network for this purpose'layout which can be drawn upon for this purpose. These applications allow you to report photos, icons, images, writings, documents following a precise graphic sense, in order to obtain an electronic booklet that can be read by users.

Creare cataloghi digitali all’interno del proprio website con Flipsnack

To use them you don't need to have design skills; Nonetheless, it is advisable to implement some precautions:

  • Use good quality photos, to best show the products and all their peculiarities;
  • Set the graphics to match the website. Using colors that do not fit well with the context can be misleading and disturbing for the reader;
  • Enter the information correctly regarding: costs, particularities of the service or product, sizes, etc. In this way the potential buyer will have all the data available to complete his choice.

Below we show some programs that you can use to create catalogues.

  • Flipsnack. It is a free program characterized by the presence of customizable blocks, with over 100 tracks from which to take inspiration, with which to publish your own brochure in PDF format on the web.
  • com, a cloud program that allows you to create online brochures starting from spreadsheets.
  • Flipbuilder Pfd. Useful for turning PDF files into online flyers. It is mainly indicated for professional use. Costs around 90 euros;
  • Microsoft Publisher, belonging to the Office group, with various predefined templates to use depending on your parameters.
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