How to make a URL SEO friendly: one more tool at your disposal with which you can have excellent search engine rankings.
We know perfectly well that having a website is crucial for a company that wants to secure its existence on the Internet and establish itself on such a wide and vast stage. It is no coincidence that there are an infinite number of competing platforms on the net, many of them belonging to the same business sector and fighting to stand out over each other. Therefore, obtaining favorable feedback in the indexing is essential to benefit from the visibility that will enable you to reach your online audience.
La scelta delle keywords puĆ² fare la differenza in ambito SEO, in modo tale da ottenere un posizionamento ideale sui motori di ricerca. Meglio ancora se ciĆ² avviene tra i primi dieci responsi proposti della serp. Ma quando trattiamo questo argomento dobbiamo considerare una serie di elementi che possono avere una certa influenza in merito. Un esempio pratico ĆØ dato dalla building a url friendly SEO.
SEO friendly URLs what they are
There are numerous techniques behind the famous SEO guidelines, hence precisely the choice of keywords, the size of paragraphs, the use of appropriate images and so on. But one of the relevant elements for indexing a web page quite satisfactorily is the implementation of a seo friendly url. It means setting up a url based on the keywords used, and thus to be made akin to the query typed by the user. This facilitates reading by the search engine and, in fact, better ranking, due essentially to a synthesis activity that we will observe later.
But let's see how to do seo url friendly, analyzing point by point the actions to be taken:
- Use a maximum of four to five words for the slug
- Eliminate so-called stop words
- Do not enter punctuation marks
- Use words in lower case
- Separate the various terms with the help of the hyphen
How to create a seo friendly url
Of course, the url can be created automatically via permalinks WordPress, going to contain the title chosen for the content, whether it is an article or a web page (here are the steps: Settings > Permalink > Article Name). To edit just click on the eponymous heading:
We give the example with the content discussed here, with result:
- how-to-make-a-url-seo-friendly
A ciĆ² va eseguito un processo di optimization, volto a rendere lāurl accattivante per gli algoritmi di Google.Innanzitutto bisogna toglierle le stop words, quindi le conjunctions, the prepositions, but also punctuation marks such as commas, apostrophes, accents, as well as numbers, if there are any, etc. This directive applies to ninety-nine percent of cases. The break from the rule can be made when the article focuses on the choice of two elements. For example, in "better to live in Rome or Turin," conjunctions have some relevance.
The slug words must also remain lowercase, separated only and only with the help of the hyphen. So we will have as a result:
- how-to-do-url-seo-friendly
In this way, the five-word limit is also met, increasing the possibility of indexing the content optimally.