Industry terminology

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Industry terminology

Partendo dalla base, sappiamo che come in ogni settore, anche la technology si basa su termini prettamente tecnici e in inglese. La maggior parte sono traducibili in italiano, ma comunque si usano in inglese per l’uso a cui vengono predisposti. Creando e lanciando un sito web/blog incontrerai sicuramente questi termini tecnici. Ecco un elenco della principale terminologia di settore che puoi trovare in ogni fase inerente l’uso del tuo sito web/blog.

Post = Article

It is the text you write on every single page of a website/blog. On the blog you will find each post date-stamped, so you can file them chronologically; on the website dates can be omitted, indeed it is recommended if it is not an information website.

Blog = Electronic journal

It is the ultimate journal. Modified over the years, it is now a collection of articles in chronological order, from the most recent to the oldest. Each article in the blog can be commented on by visitors.


A list of links to other blogs and/or websites that the blog owner has read and recommends, usually consistent with the topic of their blog.


It means "Content Management System" and is the content management system. It is based on a database, you can create and edit content easily, even without programming knowledge. The layout is usually a different Template from the content, so it is faster and easier to edit.


It means "Cascading Style Sheets" that is, the customization of your pages through the layout in your CMS enough to fit your needs, without having to touch the actual website code.


The name of your website/blog. It results from a combination of letters, numbers, hyphens, and underscores, by which a site can be accessed from a browser, e.g.,


The bottom part of a sheet is the footer; in the web world it is the bottom part of a website. It is used to insert business, legal, credit, and other business-related information and links.


Significa “File Transfer Protocol” è il protocollo di utilizzo con cui puoi caricare i tuoi file sul server o sul computer dal server. Quando si installa un CMS è necessario utilizzare un FTP.


As with a sheet of letterhead, on the Web the Header is the top part of a website layout. It is used to include logos, slogans and navigation elements.


This is the space where your website/blog resides. It is usually provided by a company (hosting provider) along with a storage space for which your website/blog will always be available on the Internet.


A group of products in the same genre.


It is a database, to date it is the most widely used database technology on the Internet, including by WordPress.


It is a web programming language. It is currently popular and used in many systems to extend interactive functions.


These are external programs that can be integrated with the CMS according to your needs. As software they allow you to build highly customized websites/blogs.

RSS feed

It is a system provided by many CMSs. With feeds you can view the latest products in a feed reading tool. RSS feeds are the best choice for viewing new articles from your favorite saved blogs.


It is a very large computer that hosting companies make use of to provide web space to people who request domain or other web space for their website/blog The server. This computer makes websites accessible and available at all times.

Sidebar = Sidebar

Sidebars are one or more bars concentrated in the areas of the site most viewed by users. Of only contain advertisements, navigation elements, or other content.


Comments or posts containing references to unwanted advertising or advertising links.


They are keywords che descrivono il contenuto comune ai gruppi di articoli o pagine. Vengono anche chiamati tag quando vengono usate le parole chiave per cercare e trovare un determinato post in un sito web/blog.


It is the style of your website/blog. As far as WordPress is concerned, the theme is the previously created website layout used to style the content.


It is a notification service. It sends you a message when someone else has placed a link on your website/blog. Very useful for keeping contacts alive and/or for better collaboration.


The full Internet address of your website/blog. By typing the url you can access a single article or page on the Internet. Each URL is unique.


These are the additional functions of the CMS such as calendar elements, banners or other commonly used features.


It means "What You See Is What You Get" and that is, what you see is what you created. If you create a WYSIWYG article, the end results should look a lot like what you see published on the Internet.


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