
Making investments with Google Ads campaigns

Pay per click Google Ads

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If you want to promote your business, Google's most widely used pay-per-click network in the world offers excellent revenue opportunities

Google Ads: what it is, how it works and pay per click

The network is a space that offers many possibilities for growth to those who own a website or a business. In a very competitive market, where the positioning on search engines plays a very important role, Google Ads can be helpful.
This online software allows you to create and enter advertisements nelle pagine di ricerca di Google, al fine di raggiungere gli users, so potential customers, when they express interest in products and services offered.

Google Ads is a pay per click network with enormous potential to grow companies' business and increase traffic to their website. Nevertheless, there is much skepticism around this network.
Many are hesitant, others have tried to take advantage of the "DIY" with the €75 coupon without success. The lack of earnings made entrepreneurs believe that Google Ads does not work, but it does not, and let's see why together.

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If we want to take full advantage of the potential of Google Ads, there are some operations to do:

  • Identify the right target audience to create "tailored" campaigns
  • Research and choose the best keywords and match type
  • insert extensions in the ad
  • create separate ad groups by scope
  • Analyze data to improve campaigns




Google Ads campaigns

Relevance of the user

When we do a Google search we scroll through the results with speed and choose the one that comes closest to what we are looking for. L'Google algorithm takes this into account and will make search results appear based on the relevance Of us users.

In general, users almost always click on the ads found in the first positions Of the pages.
This is where Google Ads comes in, so that we can rank among the top results. Regardless of whether it is sponsored content or not, as long as the ad is relevant to the user and in line with what they have need.
Inoltre, a differenza della SEO che richiede tempo per dare risultati, le campagne di Google Ads, una volta approvate, daranno i propri frutti in breve tempo.

Scegliere la landing page

When we run an ad, users will be directed to a page on our website. In this case, Google Ads allows us to steer the user to the page we choose, that is, the one that is most relevant based on the type of content users are looking for.

There landing page is literally called a "landing page," created specifically for a specification campaign. After clicking on a call-to-action or Google Ads ad, the user will be brought to this page because we have studied that route for a particular audience so that there is a much greater chance that visitors will turn into customers.

Analysis of results and costs

Once the campaigns are published on Google, we can monitor the results in the session Analytics of Google Ads and check the performance. Ads are editable and optimizable to improve performance, and we will take action based on statistics related to the type of data, average ad position, and average cost per click.

This kind of advertising is called "pay per click" in that each click by a user has a cost, but Google Ads are shown for free. The price of each click is determined by a'live auction for keyword, based on how much competition there is around the latter, which starts at a minimum of 0.1 euro.
Compared with costs, a company must be more concerned with ROI, i.e., the return on investment. ROI is a data point for understanding the feasibility of our investments, know the value of sales and that of contacts obtained on Google Ads with the campaigns.


The way this advertising platform operates has made it the most widely used advertising platform in the world, thanks to the per-click payments that are the bulk of Google's annual revenue. We can say that, if used in the right way, Google Ads offers many opportunities to promote your business and convert users into customers at a reasonable cost.
The success of a campaign comes through the choice of the target audience and a good user offer, that of the best keywords and landing page, along with analysis and improvement of results.


Are you ready to discover the potential of Google Ads?
If you have had difficulty using it or would like more information, please feel free and check out our website https://www.gtechgroup.it/.

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