News WordPress 5.0 Bebo, with the arrival of the Gutenberg editor came increased opportunities for content management on your own website.
Currently WordPress Is considered a must-have in its target category. It figures among the most widely used CSMs, or content management systems, on the net. Merit for a pleasant interface, combined with extreme ease of use. This free platform allows users to create their own blog or website quickly and easily, with the ability to create content, web pages, articles, without having to shell out a penny. These data are also exacerbated by the fact that they are dealing with an open source software, with a large community of developers spread all over the world.
Over the years it has undergone some physiological mutations. Since the first version, dated 2003, a number of changes have been made periodically, until the latest one on December 6, 2018, which brings interesting new features. Here is WordPress 5.0 Bebo.
New WordPress 5.0 Bebo with Gutenberg editor
Le WordPress 5.0 Bebo news feature some changes aimed at improving not only the interface, but also the content management of the site, or blog. The pivotal element is the new editor Gutenberg, named after the famous German goldsmith inventor of modern printing.
This is a text editor that allows you to optimize content management of their website without any difficulty, especially for novice users. These changes are mainly related to the ability to independently insert various elements, whether text or multimedia. Therefore, a strong direct imprinting to copywriting users can be observed, making it easier for those involved in writing. The most relevant aspect is the concept of dividing in context into sections, which can be inserted and removed according to one's purposes.
Among the gestures present is the tool for inserting columns and call to action buttons, forms for handling specific areas, such as those for applications, classic "how to's," and so on.
Another element to consider is the Twenty Nineteen. It is a very nice and reader-pleasing WordPress theme, suitable for those who publish articles and content and they related. It is also optimized for mobile devices.
Editor Gutenberg, is turning back possible?
The download this can be done through the repository by going through the "add new" tab.
However, as happens in any platform, new updates, as happened to WordPress 5.0 news, are not always particularly appreciated by users. The causes are the most varied: habit to the old graphics, poor attitude to integrate with the new one, poor fluidity of the new interface, etc. Fortunately, there is also the possibility of Disable in whole or only partially the Gutenberg editor, using the plugin Classic Editor. In addition, with the function Disable Gutenber one can choose which elements of the same can be kept and those to be eliminated.
Tags: WordPress 5.0 Bebo news, WordPress Gutenberg, WordPress Gutenberg news, WordPress 5.0 Bebo, Gutenberg editor download, WordPress news, WordPress update, WordPress Gutenberg download, WordPress 5.0 news.