
Relevant SEO factors in domain choice

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Fattori SEO rilevanti nella scelta del dominio For better indexing on Google

Relevant SEO factors in domain choice

Relevant SEO factors in domain choice – Ci sono numerosi fattori che decidono il posizionamento (ranking) su Google, tra questi il profilo backlink, l’usabilità e la qualità del contenuto. Per ogni website Google ranking is critical, it is a business card and it is the combination that confirms customers and retains new ones.

Here are the main rules to remember for SEO positioning:

Google ranking factors are not a fixed rule

Dal 2012 Google verifica la corrispondenza esatta del dominio e premia quei siti ben strutturati con contenuti di qualità e di rilevanza. Ovviamente le keywords semplici, dirette ed esplicative giocano la loro parte.

Domains with the company name

By using your name if freelance, or your company name in the domain, any user seeing your site will already know what to expect. Obviously, sites with the name while having lower bounce rates than a generic search, have longer dwell times in the positions and are very important for SEO. A brand/professional name is a guarantee of a company's image and identity in the marketplace (corporate identity).

Domino extension

Should the user be the holder of multiple domains with positive activity, the user will be well regarded by Google. On the contrary, if the user had activated domains with negative activity, Google will always consider the negative user as a kind of reputation. In addition to this, Google understands how "old" a domain is. The age of a domain is almost always a guarantee of excellent online persistence, quality and reliability. This also influences SEO.

Relevant SEO factors in domain choice

Domains for users, not search engines

We recommend choosing a domain name that is short, easy to remember and recognizable by theme. All possibilities that help in SEO and ranking by Google.

Have you failed to do SEO to the best of your ability ? Do you have problems with domain or name choice ? Do you need help with your site ? Contact us and our support service will get back to you as soon as possible.

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