Progressive Web App what are they?

progressive web app
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What are the progressive web app and why they are better than a common smartphone application and web browser browsing.

Lo smartphone is certainly the most popular mobile device in the world. It is practically impossible to find someone who does not own it, given its countless features that have become indispensable for everyday life. It represents a small portable computer with which we can do almost anything, thanks to the browser navigation and in the presence of the applications.

As everyone knows by now, apps are downloadable software that allow you to take advantage of a specific function, for example, those aimed at instant messaging, social networking, games, etc. On the major operating systems market there are all kinds, thousands of them, with the user virtually spoiled for choice. They largely replace direct web searching, which does not always go smoothly, due to poor networking or structure of the website not optimized.

However, these apps have a capacity, which differs depending on the features and type of platform used. Reason being, the more they are downloaded, the greater the internal memory consumption. Fortunately, it is possible to overcome this problem through the Progressive Web App.

Progressive Web App what are they

Le Progressive Web App are web applications for mobile devices whose downloading is done without having to use the Android or Apple store. They consist of advanced technologies that allow Optimize users' user experience while browsing on the Internet via smatphone, representing a cross between viewing a web page from a mobile phone and a common application.

They are loaded as if they were pages of municipalities websites, but at the same time their operation is done in a very similar way to the apps that can be found on cell phones. In addition, they can be used on different devices, saving them through the home screen. In addition to smartphones also on PCs and tablets, adapting to the different display sizes on which they are used.

Progressive Web App

Here's how a progressive web app works

The only drawback is that they operate at least partly online, so an Internet connection is required. However, in case the connection fails, the searches made are previously cached, so that they are not forcibly bound to the connection and thus can also function offline.

Why use Progressive Web Apps

There are various aspects that characterize pwa:

  1. Speed of execution greater than an ordinary site or app;
  2. Lightness, with little memory usage;
  3. Adaptability on multiple devices and different types of screens,

These are elements that benefit all parties involved: the user who uses Progressive Web Apps and the companies that make them to promote their business activities

For those who surf the web, or use an application in this case, the rapidity in loading pages takes on a fundamental value. A site that continually crashes severely limits the user's user experience, making it annoying to navigate; with the result that he will leave the site or app he is using, even worse in favor of a competitor in his own industry. Furthermore, Progressive Web Apps, in addition to being fast, occupy a very small space, even calculable in a few megabytes.

Pertanto un brand che desidera sfruttare le potenzialità della rete non può far a meno di avvalersi di questa technology. Siti web lenti o app poco fluide possono rappresentare un problema per quanto riguarda la promotion of one's business. Even if the product or service being sold is of high quality, a web page that does not flow smoothly and struggles to load can have the effect of user abandonment. In all this, it should be remembered that the investment in building progressive web apps is considerably less than a native one, intended for download to the App Store or Google Playstore.

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Gianluca Gentile