August 22, 2018

Edit htaccess WordPress

Edit htaccess WordPress. Thanks to the .htaccess file we can create rules for our Apache webserver, that is, the web space where our site resides. [...]
August 20, 2018

Amazon Business is born

Amazon Business, the ideal tool for those who use the world's most popular e-commerce platform for their business, is born. Many entrepreneurs and freelancers [...]
15 August 2018

Photoshop: Text tool stuck in CAPS LOCK

Lately with the latest version of Photoshop I often start using a font, up to this point everything may seem normal. The problem comes when [...]
14 May 2018
Amazon Asin let's find out what it is

Amazon ASINs, let's find out what they are

16Amazon ASIN (standard identification number) The Amazon Asin is a reference code for Amazon's internal catalog. Each Asin is associated with a product [...]
18 January 2018

Controlla il tuo nuovo sito web

Controlla il tuo nuovo sito web Stai preparando il tuo nuovo sito web e manca solo la pubblicazione : ora è più semplice che mai. Dopo [...]
6 October 2017

What are the free alternatives to Microsoft Word?

Quali sono le alternative gratuite a Microsoft Word? Quali sono le alternative gratuite a Microsoft Word? – Nel mondo web, l’elaborazione di testi è molto importante [...]
22 September 2017


Monetize The technological world and especially the Internet, were born as virtual spaces without any advertising and most sites were set up only for [...]
15 March 2017

Post senza errori? Ecco come fare!

Post senza errori? Ecco come fare! Post senza errori? Ecco come fare! – Nel modo web spesso si dimentica la grammatica a favore di parole contratte, [...]
6 September 2015

Choose the theme for the blog

Choose the theme for the blog You preferred to open a blog instead of a website. Perfect. Now you need to understand how to make money from one [...]