2 June 2022
schedule facebook posts

How to schedule posts on Facebook

How to schedule posts on Facebook: plan and automate your social activity using a truly simple, effective and easy-to-use tool. Facebook is [...]
11 September 2020
Influencer marketing, influencer marketing what is it, influencer marketing how it works, social media marketing influencer, influencer marketing

Influencer marketing: the search for brand ambassadors

How influencer marketing works and what are the cornerstones of this advertising strategy successfully used on social media. We have discussed the related topic on several occasions [...]
September 20, 2018

Facebook fan page, no more random invitations

Inviting users en masse for your Facebook fan page can be a counterproductive action. Here are some tips for better promotion efforts and proper research [...]
August 14, 2018

Professional Facebook Targeting Options

It really seems that Facebook after opening Workplace (The private Facebook for Companies) and after the restrictions imposed in the past years, the new update of [...]
6 May 2018

Trova nuovi visitatori con i Social

Trova nuovi visitatori con i Social Parlando di motori di ricerca è Google+ che fornisce la maggior parte dei visitatori di siti web/blog, apportando circa il [...]
24 January 2018

How to recover a suspended Twitter account

Come recuperare un account sospeso di Twitter – Come per altri social, anche Twitter può sospendere un Account. Se ti è successo per prima cosa devi [...]
15 December 2017

My Facebook account is deactivated

My Facebook account is deactivated My Facebook account is deactivated – A Facebook account can be deactivated for different reasons. Before [...]
7 November 2017

Chat segrete Telegram: come funzionano

Chat segrete Telegram: come funzionano Chat segrete Telegram: come funzionano – Cosa sono le chat segrete ? Cos’è Telegram ? Ecco i consigli per la privacy [...]